Financials Page Fields and Buttons

A number of fields and buttons are common to tabs on Financials page to allow you to view and update information about job financials.

Top of the Page

These tables list all buttons, fields, and options that are displayed at the top and bottom of the Financials page tabs. Some tabs may have additional fields/buttons; those are described on each specific page.

Field Description
Breadcrumbs The breadcrumbs display the client, project, and job.
  • Click on the project breadcrumb (name of the project) to display the Job Search page with the list of jobs associated with that project.
  • Click on the client breadcrumb (name of the client) to display the Job Search page with the list of jobs associated with that client.

You can then use the Job Search view to open other jobs.

Click to display the schedule for the job. When you are on the Schedule page, this button label changes to Financials.
You can use the scroll arrows to scroll through the records. The x of x to the right of the scroll arrows shows you which record you are on, out of the total number of available records.

Click back to search to return to the Jobs Search page.

The default list of available jobs to scroll through is every job within a project.

When you select a job from the Job Search screen, the available list is every job within the original search.

Click to create a link to this job on your Home page for easy access.
Refresh Click to refresh the current view with the latest data.
Click to display a Notes pop-up to add notes about the job. A brief can be formatted text and can contain HTML or hyperlinks. This information is then available to the assigned employees on a job.
Owner This field displays the name of the staff member who is responsible for the job. You can set it on the Job Details tab.
Int. Deadline This field displays the deadline toward which you are working internally. This is the date that is used for the project and for resourcing. You set it on the on the Job Details tab.
Rate Card This field displays the rate card for the job. You can set a client's contact record to default all jobs for that client to a chosen rate card. You can set it on the Job Details tab.
Billing Status This field displays the billing status of the job. You set it when creating invoices or on the Billing tab.
System Status Use this drop-down to choose the job system status that determines how the system treats the job. You cannot customize job system statuses.
  • A Draft job is not displayed outside of the jobs section. The job does not appear in workflows; new work allocated is not displayed to users; schedulers are not informed of work that requires approval. Assigning the draft status enables you to plan a job "in private." As soon as you change a draft job's status to Progress, all approval notifications and other communications are sent.
  • Choose Progress when the job is live. Work can be assigned, and time sheets can be entered. All information added, such as job budgets, schedules, and task allocations, is live within TrafficLIVE. This is the only status during which time, expense, and purchasing can be added to a job.
  • Choose Declined if the customer declined the job or you want to remove it from the live reports. The job still appears in workflows (as historic), but it does not show up in search results unless you specifically search for declined jobs.
  • Choose Completed when the job is finished. No one can add or edit time, expenses, or purchases on a completed job. The job still appears in workflows (as historic), but it does not show up in search results unless you specifically search for completed jobs.
User Status Use this drop-down to choose a user-defined status.

The purpose of the user-defined job status is to categorize workflow stages in the process, and enable you to find jobs within reporting. For example, the Finance team might use a To Bill status to identify all of the jobs that are ready for billing.

You can customize user-defined job status options in Admin > List Management.

Click to change the view and to select additional/alternate currencies. When you click the button, additional options display:
  • Classic displays only the base currency columns.
  • Lite displays only the foreign currency columns and hides the base currency columns.
  • Advanced displays both the base currency and foreign currency columns.

    Click one of these buttons again to return to the previous view.

Bottom of the Page

Field Description
Click to add a new project or job. Clicking this button displays the Create Job pop-up.
Click to create a quote from the existing job details. This allows you to plan and start work on a job, and quote further along in the process.
Click to move the current job to a different client, project, and/or contact. Clicking this button displays the Move Job popup.
Click to link the job to an existing quote. Clicking this button displays the Link to Quote pop-up.
Click to display a menu with additional options:
  • Delete Job deletes the job from TrafficLIVE. You cannot delete a job that has allocations, time entries, purchases, expenses, and invoices.
  • Export exports the job details in CSV format. This option is only available on the Billing tab.
  • Job Reports creates a report in PDF or HTML format using a report template. Your TrafficLIVE admin creates report templates.
Click to add or edit or apply a template. Clicking this button displays the Templates pop-up.

Templates enable you to create a library of standard job structures of tasks, stages, and budgets that can either be used to create a job or appended to an existing job.

Click to save changes that you have made on the page.